1. Turkish poetry. Written on coloured and silhouetted papers. Anthology of poems and
poetical letters. Undated, ca 1650. Green page above right contains poem by Nezami from Ganja,
Azerbaijan (1141-1203).
Acquired by Gustaf Celsing in Constantinople, used by him as Turkish translator in the Chancery, transferred to the Royal Library in 1731 according to the note above left. [Riedel 52]. |
2. Persian poetry in luxury binding.
Sa'dī, Būstān "Orchard" (inner text) and Gulistān "Rose garden"
(margin), Persian nasta'liq script. Ca 1700. - Oriental leather binding with impressed
animal and floral decoration; on inside painted and cut-out decoration with mythological
figures: Sun depicted as a Mongolian female head in a flame carried by 'angels' peris.
Decoration reminds of 15th century Herat bindings. - Hedenborg collection.
The two most well-known works by the poet Sa'di (d. Shiraz 1291), Būstān in epic verse, 1257, Gulistān in prose, 1258. [Riedel 30]. |
3. Humājūn nāme "The Royal Book" - Book of fables and Mirror of Justice in Turkish.
Dated 1623. Translated from the Persian Anvār-i-Suhailī, "Rays of Canopus", an adaptation of
Kalila wa Dimna by Husain el-Vā'iz el-Kāifi (d. 1505). Name of writer: Nūri.
Acquired by Hans Perman at Adrianople 1713 and donated to the Library in 1738, according to notes above left. [Riedel 63]. Literature: Riedel, W., Katalog över Kungl. bibliotekets orientaliska handskrifter. Stockholm 1923. |